Welcome to our new and improved website for READY for 2023.
Its bright fresh and full of vintage style delights. I have been working really hard in the background designing a new website on a new platform to give me a bit more peace of mind.
Last year in the Heatwave our server overheated and we went offline, this was extremely stressful and disappointing that it had happened. I made a bold decision to go offline for a while and address this and come back all bring and shiny and new.
I have changed e commerce platforms form Woo Commerce to Shopify. I have built it all myself and hope you like it. Please let me know. I will be monitoring it over the next few months to check its all working as i planned.
An added feature is that if you buy an item under £15 large letter postage will be added instead of small parcel so you can buy with more confidence and tailoring to all of your shopping needs.
My next journery is into my new office space and hiring someone.
Onwards into a great 2023.
Betty x